Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Left Foot

Here I am, resting comfortably on the sofa with my leg propped up and iced. I had surgery on my left foot on Friday and will have to stay still for a few days. This is the best time of the year to be laid up - for several reasons. First of all, Thanksgiving is coming up with the tons of preparation for the big feast and I can't walk. So .... Kara and Lindsay will be doing all the planning and cooking, with a little help on the appetizers from Ben. The menu they've planned sounds wonderful and I can hardly wait to taste their delicious creations. Second, while sofa sitting, I've spent hours upon hours internet Christmas shopping as well as searching for the perfect Christmas card and pictures for personalizing them. My favorties are on Shutterfly, but making a final decision is very difficult. It's a good thing I have three or four more days to decide! I'm attaching a link to one of my favorite Shutterfly cards. I'm excited about its simple design that is cool but allows for four pictures that will give all our friends and relatives an idea of what our family looks like this year! I also need to make our family calendars for 2011, which Shutterfly offers as well. I'm waiting not so patiently for Rick's siblings to send photos of their families. I can hardly wait to get started on the cards and the calendars. Tomorrow I begin the actual process, foot propped up and all!

Friday, May 01, 2009

A Test

It has been so long since I've posted, I've forgotten how.  So this is a test just in case I get the gumption to post again soon!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I can't believe it has been three months since I've posted! I really meant to do better, really.
We've had lots of exciting things happening around here. Ben went to Texas Tech and so now he's a college man and we're empty nesters. Sophie June was born and she is absolutely exquisite and sweet and a very laid back, easy baby. We are all enjoying her. Two grandchildren are even better than one! I can hardly wait to have six or seven or eight or.......
I am no longer a stay home mom. I am a college student again at UT Dallas. It is so much fun and lots of work but I'm really enjoying my classes and all the things I'm learning. I'm taking 12 hours and I'll do that again next semester and then be finished and ready to start my new career next summer -- hopefully. I'm making good grades which is a relief because I was afraid that my brain might not work and all the youngsters would beat me! They aren't --- probably because they are thinking about boys and I'm thinking about school! I have lots of new friends at college but most of them are younger than Kara and Lindsay. That's a little weird and I'm sure they think I'm ancient, but I'm not -- well, maybe a little on the outside, but on the inside I'm just a kid!
One of my classes is Anatomy and Physiology. As I study the parts and systems of the body, I am more amazed than ever at its complexity and intricacy and what a creative God we have. Another class I'm taking is Normal Language Development. Once again as I learn about the marvels of how children acquire language and how predictably they do it without any instruction at all, I'm amazed at the way God made us. Then as if that wasn't enough, there's Sophie June -- perfectly made, all her parts put together just right in only nine months -- a real person! Incredible!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Believe it or Not

After much "encouragement" from the Walkers in Ouray, I've decided I'd better post a little blog.
Let's see -- my back surgery is over although I did have to stay in the hospital for 3 days, not just 1 and the only people who sent chocolate were Kim and Keith. But I'm not bitter and that's good. What is really wonderful is that I feel great. I never have backaches. I must have had that cyst for years!
Ben graduated May 18 and is headed for Texas Tech around the 20th of August.
Rick, Ben and I went to Italy for 10 days in May and had a delightful time. The favorite Italian stop was the Cinque Terre.
Rick, Ben, Lindsay, Justin and I just got back from a Walker family reunion in Ouray. It was great fun and so good to spend time with those we love.
I'm going back to school beginning August 16. I'll be going to UTD and getting the hours I need to be a speech pathologist assistant. I'll be able to do therapy with patients but won't make their goals or plans. Since I already have a special ed degree, it will only take me two semesters so hopefully I'll be able to start working next May.
In September, we'll get our new granddaughter -- Sophie June Morris.
Rick's firm has lots of work which is a good thing! Right now he has a bad toothache. Hopefully he'll call Doug soon and get it fixed!
I have some moe stuff to say and thoughts to share but I think I'll stop now and post more about thoughts later.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cut It Out

So I've been having back pain pretty much for a solid year now. Sometimes it is not so bad but often I have to take pain medicine. I had three epidural steriod injections into my spine last spring and that really helped for a few months. But it's back! (A little play on words.) I have a cyst on a facet joint at L5 in case you are wondering. Since the cyst is not doing anything but getting bigger, I'm going to have surgery on November 17 to remove it so that I can get back to normal. I thought that would be a good time because then I'll be recovering during Thanksgiving and get out of all the work! I may have a backache, but my mind is sharp as a tack.
It is not a big surgery and I'll only be in the hospital overnight. I can't lift or bend for a month so I can't keep Walker until the middle of December. So sad. Even though it is not a big deal, I do expect plenty of prayers, sympathy and maybe even some chocolate.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Little Monk

Halloween is just around the corner and that means much more than just candy and pumpkins around here. It's Walker's 1st birthday and Reformation Day as well. So in honor of all those things, Walker is going as Martin Luther for his birthday on October 31.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Birthday Celebration

Ben turned 18 on Saturday. Here he is in his new duds. We know he's grownup because he asked for clothes and books instead of toys for presents!

We celebrated with friends and family at Margarita Ranch on Saturday.

Aaron's Cadillac Nachos were quite a sight! They actually looked bigger in person!

We celebrated on Sunday evening with a joint birthday dinner for Walker and Ben. Snow White was there for the first time since Ben was 3 years old.